Raymond Saboungi

Raymond Saboungi

About Raymond

"For success, attitude is equally as important as ability." – Raymond Saboungi
Raymond has always had time for his clients, and remains enthusiastically involved in the business and assisting his family. Having travelled the world and learnt about a vast variety of cultures, Raymond respects and acknowledges all the cultures and traditions our local community has to offer. He has been in business well over 60 years and has proven to be an incredible asset to the Professionals Belmore team with his vast and multi-faceted wealth of experience and multilingual in Arabic, French, Italian & Greek.
The many wise stories he has spoken over the past currently speaks to all his clients and informs them about a large ideal on the background and knowledge Raymond has. Always giving and humble, he continues to grace us with his presence and experiences in life.

Australian of the Year Award 2016 – "Nominated" – Australian of the Year
Community Awards – Citizen of the Year 2015 – "Nominated" – City of Canterbury
Australian of the Year Award 2012 – "Nominated" – Australian of the Year
Community Awards – Citizen of the Year 2010 – "Winner" – City of Canterbury
Australian of the Year Award 2010 – "Nominated" – Australian of the Year